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10 beliefs for a better life: #6 There is always a gift!

What’s your purpose? Many people drift through life, with no sense of purpose, direction or true joy. They ignore the fact that they aren’t happy and never address the mindset and choices that led to that unhappiness. Most people have limiting beliefs and so their life is limited. They believe life is hard, and so it is. They believe life is a challenge, and challenges seem to pile one atop another. They believe either consciously or unconsciously that their best days are behind them. They believe fitting in and being who they are expected to be will get them a better or easier life than being their true self and following their true passion. Their happiness is dependent on what others thinks and what happens. They are not in control of life; life is in control of them.

Over the next 10 days, we will be sharing one of 10 empowering beliefs about life and this is Day #6! These are beliefs that will open the door for life to work with you and for you. Once these beliefs become part of who you are, your entire life will change. Guaranteed.

#6 There is always a gift.

Everything can be either a blessing or a lesson. We have all been through difficult times – we’re in an unprecedented global situation right now. No matter the situation though, we always have the choice of how we respond and what we choose to receive from it.

There are those who have been through minor challenges but choose to believe that their life is far less because of it. Others who have been through pure hell believe at some level that it was sent as either a lesson or a blessing.

Think of the survivors of diseases or abuse. They go through the worst kinds of pain, but because of that pain, they rise out of it with a new passion for life. They rise out of it with a sense of purpose, wanting to help others who are going through the same thing. You can learn from your past. You can use it. Believe it was sent to make you stronger, better and more compassionate. Believe there was a reason for it and find the gift. It is always there if we choose to see and receive it.

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